Monday, June 8, 2009

Wack Tack

Today we had our first session at The West African Community Development Training Centre (WACD-TC), or Wack Tack to save yourself some time. There are about 20 participants involved, Gambians and some Canadian kids.

The training centre used to be called the West African Rural Development (WARD) Training Centre and was housed at the Gambian Technical Training Institute(GTTI). Lots of acronyms. The project was originally funded by CIDA and is now self sustaining. They offer four different courses, or modules. The module we are in is called Human Relations and Development.

Although I'm sure we will benefit from the course material itself, I think the real lesson will come from sharing ideas with our classmates. Even after one day I have noticed how different my ideas are from my group members. Its a great opportunity to learn and meet new people.

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